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Top 4 Python Libraries and Packages for HACKING ๐Ÿฑ‍๐Ÿ’ป

This Article is for Educational Purpose Only.

Python has become a first priority for hackers or has become a favorite language to work as an hacker. The More Consistency of Python Programming is seen in Ethical Hacking as it's an adequate language for it.

Top Python Libraries and Packages for HACKING

The Most Important Reason Why Python is used for Hacking is:

Presence of Pre-Built Tools, Packages and Libraries ๐Ÿฑ‍๐Ÿ’ป

As we had discussed earlier in Previous Article that Python has more than 200,000+ Packages and inline to it there are packages and library file which are more suitable for hackers or ethical hackers to use.

Also Python is a Open-Source Language so it becomes much easy to access stuff created by community and Python Needs Minimal Coding Skills which makes easy for a user to write a script and exploit a vulnerability.

Python has a rich library for assistance in hacking as well as all other works. Python has rich library in-presence of pre-built tools and libraries. Python is a High-Level Programming Language and is known for it's simplicity and maintainable code structure and in this environment Python is only the best options for Ethical Hackers to go on.

As Coming to the Point, Earlier we're discussing the main reason why Python is used for hacking was it's presence of Pre-Built Tools and Libraries.

So, Let's talk about Few Python Libraries which are at the top most at Hacking Level.

1. Requests:

A Simple HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Library allows user to send HTTP/1.1 request. This Python Library helps in creating a robust HTTP Application and includes features such as automatic content decomposition, decoding, connection time-outs, basics and digits authentication.

This Requests module has several methods which are built-in to create HTTP requests to specified URI using GET, PUT, PATCH, POST and HEAD Requests.

  • GET - To Retrieve information from the provided server.
  • PUT -  Requests that the enclosed entity to be stored under the supplied URI.
  • PATCH - It contains the changes to the resource, but not the entire resource.
  • POST - Requests that a Web Server accepts a data enclosed in the body of the request message.
  • HEAD - Asks for a response identical to that of a GET request, but without the response body.
To Install this Package, Open Terminal pip install requests
and press ENTER.

2. IMpacket:

This Library in Python Includes Collection of Classes used for working with the network and security protocols. It's mainly focused on providing low-level craft and decoding network packets in a simple and consistent manner.

In this, Protocols like Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP, ARP, IPv4, IPv6 and many other protocols are used.

It's a Open Source Collection of Modules in Python for constructing and manipulating protocols. It contains various tools for remote service execution, Windows Credential Dumping, Kerberos Manipulating, Packet Sniffing and Relay Attacks.

To Install this package, Open Terminal pip install pyasn1, pip install pyasn1-modules and then pip install impacket Run these 3 Commands, to install IMPacket on Windows.

For Kali sudo apt-get install python-impacket

3. Cryptography:

This Package in Python Provides Cryptographic Recipes and Primitives. It Includes both high-level recipes and low level interfaces to the common algorithm available such as Symmetric Ciphers, Message Digest and Key Derivation Function.

Code for Python Modules of Cryptography.

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
cipher_text = cipher_suite.encrypt("This example is used to demonstrate cryptography module")
plain_text = cipher_suite.decrypt(cipher_text)

To Install Cryptography Module, Open Terminal and Type pip install cryptography and press ENTER.

4. Scapy:

This is one of the most important and powerful python packet manipulation program and it's library is used to forge and decode packets of wide numbers of protocol, and to send them on wire or networks to store them, mature them and then read them using pcap files.

It's a packet manipulation tool for computer networks, originally written in Python by Philippe Biondi. It's Specialty is it can forge or decode packets and send then on the wire, also capture them and match requests and replies. It has power to handle tasks like scanning, tracerouting, attacks and discovery of networks.

To Install Scapy, Open Terminal and Type pip install scapy and Press ENTER.

In this article, we have covered 4 python packages and libraries which are used for hacking purpose.

My favorite language for maintainability is Python. It has simple, clean syntax, object encapsulation, good library support, and optional named parameters. - Bram Cohen

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